Public Transport Systems
We have worked with national agencies, LGUs, and operators in the various stages of PUV modernization program—from planning to implementation and monitoring, and evaluation. We see that open-data systems can significantly improve government solutions such as service contracting, route rationalization, and transport cooperatives development.
Open Innovation
SafeTravelPH builds technologies and study policies by developing projects under the framework open data, open-source software, and co-governance. Through this open culture, new information systems, capacity building strategies, and plans are formulated cooperatively.
Active Mobility
SafeTravelPH supports cycling and pedestrian research and programs to enhance technologies, operations, and institutional linkages to continually demonstrate and study shared-use mobility in cities, such as the UP Bike Share program. We also provide tools for infrastructure accessibility and travel choice research.
Sustainability Transitions
We promote local context-based approaches in helping the industry to more environmentally sustainable transport systems--with infrastructure, technologies, processes/policies, human capacities. From eco-driving characterization and adult learning and development, to electric PUV mainstreaming research and to crowdsourcing of low carbon transport benchmarks.

Our Outcomes
total vehicle kilometers crowdsourced with partners & volunteers
drivers-partners that tracked and shared their trips
Academic, conference, & theses papers completed using SafeTravelPH data
Total amount of PHP of R&D grants/projects completed using the platform since 2019
We work to make data open for researchers and government planners and program implementors.
See how we operationalize this value:

on Bus Operations
"Bus operators and drivers will learn a lot with good data. With data, we can push for better regulatory environment and support mechanisms to ensure better services to commuters and bring back the dignity to our industry workers."
on Active Mobility
"The advocacy and direct action groups in the cycling community welcomes a hardcore research group like this. Future members of the organization will also benefit from a wide range of ideas and practices."
on PUV Electrification
"The future of sustainable transport and popularization of electric public utility vehicles requires consistent tools in monitoring the performance of the vehicles and their routes."